5 Best Android Games Available Right Now

2 min readMay 8, 2023

Android Games can never get outdated. However, there are always some newer games in the market every now and then. Subsequently, keeping up with the trend is difficult. To make you match your pace with the trend, Cybertech has compiled a list of five fantastic and the best Android games that are available right now in the market. Go through the list by scrolling down and game on!

  1. Nintendo

Nintendo has made its mark in the world of Android games with several notable titles. Super Mario Run, their premium game, offers a high-quality platforming experience that many consider to be one of the best on mobile devices. While some found the price to be steep, the game delivers impressive mechanics and gameplay. Nintendo also offers free-to-play options such as Fire Emblem Heroes, a strategy RPG, and Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp, a simulation game. These games provide enjoyable experiences within their respective genres. In addition to their existing lineup, Nintendo introduced Dragalia Lost in 2018 and Dr. Mario World in 2019, expanding their offerings further. Mario Kart Tour, their mobile adaptation of the popular racing franchise, became one of the biggest mobile game releases, second only to Call of Duty: Mobile. While Nintendo’s Android games may have occasional rough edges, overall, they provide fun and solid experiences that resonate with players.

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  1. COD

COD or Call of Duty Mobile is an Android game that gained popularity in 2019 and was regarded as one of the best Android games of that year. It stood out for its intense gameplay and high ratings, which prompted its quick inclusion in the recommended game list. The game offers both a normal first-person shooter (FPS) online player versus player (PvP) mode and a battle royale mode with 100 players. This unique combination sets it apart as it provides both the battle royale experience similar to PUBG Mobile and traditional FPS PvP gameplay found in games like Critical Ops or Modern Combat. One of the strengths of Call of Duty Mobile is the variety of content it offers, keeping players engaged with plenty of things to do. The gameplay mechanics are well-designed, providing a smooth and enjoyable experience for players. While the game is free to play, it does offer in-game purchases, mostly consisting of cosmetic items that do not affect gameplay.

Source Link: https://www.itscybertech.com/2023/05/5-best-android-games-available-right-now.html




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